dSketch는 자폐 스펙트럼을 가진 창작자들과 비장애 크리에이티브 코더들 간의 디자인 협업과 제작을 지원하는 웹 기반 애플리케이션입니다. 비장애 협력자가 크리에이티브 코딩을 기반으로 스케치를 만들면, 발달 장애를 가진 창작자가 해당 스케치에 인터랙션을 추가하여 디자인 결과물을 제작할 수 있습니다. 제작 과정에서, 창작자들은 p5.js에서 지원하는 터치, 키보드, 음성 등 다양한 입력 및 출력 값을 탐색할 수 있습니다.
dSketch는 창작자들의 활용 방식에 따라 따라 스케치북이자 악기, 그리고 게임기가 될 수도 있습니다. 이 시스템 프로토타입은 통해 신경다양한 사람들의 감각 교육과 창작에 대한 재정적, 신체적, 심리적 접근성을 높이고, 그들의 경제적 활동을 지원하는 것을 목표로 했습니다.
dSketch is an web-based application that supports the design collaboration and production between creators with autism spectrum and creative coders. When a programmer creates a sketch based on creative coding, a creator with developmental impairment can produce a design outcome by adding an interaction on the sketch. In the process, the creators with developmental impairment can explore various input and output values such as touch, keyboard and voice, that are supported by p5.js.
dSketch, in other words, can become a sketchbook, or a musical instrument, and or a game machine, depending on how the creators want to use them. In proposing the system, I aimed to enhance the financial, physical, and psychological accessibility to sensory education and creation of people in autism spectrum, as well as to support their economic activities.

UX Design Principles
1. Inclusion
dSketch aimed to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities for people with developmental impairments, by providing them with a platform to explore their creativity and showcase their talents. This can lead to greater social acceptance and appreciation of people with developmental impairments and reduce the stigma associated with disability.
2. Economic Empowerment
By supporting the economic activities of people with developmental impairments, dSketch can empower them financially and provide them with a sense of independence. This can lead to greater economic inclusion and opportunities for people with developmental impairments.
3. Collaboration
dSketch encourages collaboration between creative coders and people with developmental impairments, creating a space for people from different backgrounds and skill sets to work together. This can lead to greater understanding and empathy between different groups, as well as the creation of innovative and inclusive solutions.
4. Accessibility to Creative Education
dSketch can be used as a tool for sensory education, providing people with developmental impairments with a platform to explore and understand various sensory inputs and outputs. This can lead to greater awareness and understanding of different types of impairments and promote a more inclusive society.